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Political Influence & Governance:

Political Influence & Governance:

“School leaders have to take into account many powerful factors in their operational and strategic work: legislation, curriculum, local authorities, parents, pupils, financial resources, socio-economic environment, competition, etc. Many of these factors are constantly changing and beyond the school leaders control” (Bäckman & Trafford, 2017, p. 9). As a result of all the work necessary in an educational system, school leaders need to leverage resources such as community leaders.


There are many ways that an educational system can be organized. In most circumstances an administrator is looked upon as the sole leader of a school or district. However, the educational system works in a more democratic way. This is as a result of how important it is for schools to be transparent and have strong connections to outside stakeholders. Without the input of both internal and external stakeholders in the educational process, schools can not be sure that they are meeting the needs and priorities of all individuals. “A democratically structured and functioning school will not only promote students and prepare them to take  their place in society as engaged Democratic citizens: it will also become a happier, more creative and more effective Institution” (Bäckman& Trafford, 2007, p. 6-7). It is just as important for educational leaders to make sure that policy and procedure are connected to state and federal guidelines and statutes regarding education programming and process.


It is for this reason that school boards play such an important role in the governance of an educational district. The work of a school boards aids in the process of ensuring the voices of all members of a community are heard as they relate to the educational process. Both school board members and administrators have the challenging job and responsibility of working together to create policy and programming, keeping in mind what is best for students. “The challenge for school boards and those proposing school board and educational governance reforms is to figure out which form(s) of governance and management, operational procedures, and priorities best match local characteristics and translate into improved educational outcomes, particularly greater academic achievement” (Land, 2002, p.14). Governance of schools requires a variety of perspectives to ensure that the best possible decisions are being made on behalf of students and families. It is up to an educational leader to guide the process, but it is also their job to take into account the variety of resources and perspectives available. These perspectives may come from staff within the school, stakeholders outside of the school, as well as those individuals serving on the school board.


Bäckman, E., & Trafford, B. (2017). Democratic governance of schools (Vol. 383).
Land, D. (2002). Local school boards under review: Their role and effectiveness in
            relation to students’ academic achievement. Review of Educational Research,
            72(2), 229-278.

Political Influence and Governance: Core Competency

  • demonstrate an understanding of the role the political process plays in public education and the connection between them; Minnesota Competencies for School Administrators.

  • demonstrate understanding of how to interact with local and state government; 

  • demonstrate understanding of the roles played by other community leaders in the school district.

Policy 736 – Use of School District Facilities and Equipment

This artifact demonstrates my ability to understand the way facilities are reserved, costs with use, and requirements needed to be updated.  I got to review similar policies of districts and compare fee structures and look at the requirements each policy contained. I also had the opportunity to worked with the community education director to review the policies and talked through it for further understanding. 

Osseo Area School Superintendent Search

This artifact demonstrates my ability to understand the role the community plays when searching for a new/interim superintendent. One of the activities I was excited to be apart of is the community input meeting. Here is some of the information taken away from the meeting.

Superintendent search community input meetings

In January 2018, the Osseo School Board invited students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members to attend a community meeting to provide input regarding the qualities that are most important for a new superintendent.

Input was/will be used in two ways:

  • To identify the top qualities stakeholders are looking for in a new superintendent to assist in the recruitment of candidates.

  • To inform the School Board’s decision making as it selects a new superintendent.

At the community meetings, participants discussed four key questions in small group conversations. Their perspectives were documented and shared with the school board and search firm. The four key questions were:

  1. What qualities of a superintendent are most important to you?

  1. What types of experience do you think are most important for the new superintendent to bring to Osseo Area Schools?

  1. What are your greatest concerns about education in Osseo Area Schools and why?

  1. What do you think is working well in Osseo Area Schools?

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